Ford V Ferrari carsAs you think, these vehicles reach millions of euros in auctions. Luckily, there are incredible recreations of these vehicles. In fact the cars you've seen on the big screen are replicas manufactured by RCR and the South African company High-Tech (Superformance in USA)
Talking about a replica of a classic car has nothing to do with talking about a cheap chinese replica of a mobile phone or a bag. The quality of the classic car replicas is gorgeous. Many of these replicas are approved by the FIA to run as originals in competition, and they do!
Many of these recreations use original molds, plans or parts. Sometimes, they even hire former engineers who worked on the original model! As is logical to think, all this increases the price; but if you want a reliability replica, you will have it. The Ford GT40 that finished third in 24h Le Mans '66 was auctioned at € 8,840,000 in August 2018. So spending € 150,000 on a FIA approved replica is not a bad deal. For the rest of GT40s, it is usual to see it auctioned between $ 2.5M - $ 3.5M Only one Ferrari P4 (#0856) remains in original conditions, the other two Ferraris that were manufactured were converted to participate in the American Can-Am. Therefore, it is logical to think that there are high quality recreations in the market. Ford GT40 Replica
HJR - Argentina
Absolute Pace - Australia DRB - Australia Roaring Forties - Australia PMC -Brazil ADR Engineering - England Gelscoe - England GTD - England Southern - England Tornado - England TWR Replicas - England Bongarini - France
Promecy - Mexico
BNL - Netherlands High-Tech - South Africa John Speed Racing - South Africa Racing Legends / Bailey - South Africa Go Teknik - Sweden Active - USA All Pro - USA CAV - USA Fiberfab - USA Holman - USA Lone Star - USA RCR -USA Shelby - USA VO Archie - USA Ferrari 330 P4 Replica
ADR - England
Alloy - USA Auto-Tuning - Hungary Bailey - South Africa Bob Norwood - USA CBS - USA Foreman - USA Harper Sport Cars - South Africa Jim Carpenter - USA Kit car Thailand - Thailand RCR (Race Car Replicas) - USA RM Wilson - England Rod Tempero - New Zealand
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1 Comment
4/15/2021 11:22:50 am
Do you know who built the porsche 906 replica?
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